Governance Structure and Board Roles

Oak Trees Multi Academy Trust
Governance Structure and Board Roles

The Oak Trees Multi Academy Trust was established in 2017 with a clear Governance structure in place.

The Members of the Oak Trees Multi Academy Trust are, in essence, the shareholders of the company. The Members have three functions:

  • Approve the Trust accounts and appoint the auditors.

  • Appoint governors.

  • Appoint the Chief Executive.

This group meets up to 3 times annually and has a small number of annual statutory functions to carry out.

The Trustees of  Oak Trees Multi Academy Trust have a range of powers and responsibilities which they are legally required to carry out, working in close partnership with the Chief Executive Officer, Chief Finance Officer, School Improvement Lead and Academy Headteachers to ensure that the academies provide the best possible education for all students and comply fully with the Academies Financial Handbook .

The Trust Board considers the vision and aims of Oak Trees and its academies, as well as strategy and policy to deliver its key objectives. It has ultimate responsibility for all budgets, salaries and safeguarding.

Apart from ensuring good governance, the Board’s primary objectives are to assist the Executive in delivering the best possible outcomes for all students, and to hold the Executive to account for the ways in which this is carried out.

The Board ensures good governance by delegating some of their responsibilities to Committees and individual Trustees: (please see below the named Trustees in each role/committee and committee terms of reference):

  1. Finance Committee - Zoe Wakelam - Chair, Craig Hebden, Alyssa Rhymes, Sean Hennely - contact via

  2. Audit Committee - Murray Freeman - Chair, Zoe Wakelam, Neil Millar, Gary Turner, Paul Aitchison - contact via

  3. Performance Committee focusing on school performance data - Paul Aitchison -Chair, Jane Owens, -

  4. Safeguarding Trustee – Jane Owens at

  5. Health and Wellbeing Trustee - Murray Freeman - contact via

  6. SEND/Pupil Premium Trustee - Paul Aitchison - contact via

  7. Estates Management Trustee - Gary Turner -contact via

The Local Governing Committee

Each Local Governing Committee has an individual academy remit, which enables it to focus on the performance and scrutiny of teaching and learning; student behaviour, attendance, safety and wellbeing; and stakeholder engagement.

For details of current local governing body membership, including business and pecuniary interest as well as meeting attendance information, please see the governance section of the relevant academy website.