Chief Executive Officer
Message from the
Chief Executive Officer
On June 1st, 2017, Oak Trees Multi Academy Trust was formed. The Trust was the brainchild of five Wirral Headteachers who wished to improve the life chances of children across Wirral whilst building on the schools’ collaborative approach over 10 years of working together.
Oak Trees was created with the clear vision of creating a dynamic and forward-thinking Trust with everyone working collaboratively for the greater good retaining the uniqueness of each of the individual schools.
After over 7 years of the Trust being in existence, great strides have been taken and a strong and effective MAT has now been created. The Trust has grown to 12 schools, including primary and secondary schools, and we now have around 650 staff and 5000 children across our Trust schools. In the areas of leadership, finance, governance, curriculum, workload and professional development in particular, Oak Trees has made tremendous progress in securing the good practice necessary for a successful Multi Academy Trust. I believe that the Trust is now in a strong position to thrive and to grow, with a strong MAT Executive Team in place to support schools to perform and improve and a Trust community positive about the future as part of Oak Trees MAT.
As the Chief Executive of the Trust, I am in the privileged position to help shape and embed the MAT vision in the initial stages of its inception. Seven years down the line, much has been achieved whilst much is still to be achieved over the next few years. As an experienced Wirral ex-Headteacher, I understand the Wirral in terms of its uniqueness. I also believe that it is vital to retain the individuality of the schools, that what works for one school may not work for another. What I do believe is this: all our schools MUST be excellent, and we are well on the way to achieving that in the next few years.
Throughout this website, you will see information about who we are, what we do and where we wish to go. The site is a vision for the future for Oak Trees and I am certain that the next few years will be an exciting time for the children, families and staff at all Oak Trees Academies.
Our key MAT aim for the next 5 years is to become a beacon of excellence in the education sector and a model of best practice, with high performing academies across the Trust. Our key way of doing this is through strong collaboration, personalised approaches and positive relationships. I truly believe that this is the key to running a successful Multi Academy Trust. Our vision and values are at the heart of what we do, and this website is testament to the Trust values permeating throughout our Oak Trees schools.
Tony Lacey – Chief Executive Officer